Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On The Edge Of Twenty-Ten

I was no more than a baby then

Well I seemed broken-hearted

Something within me

But the moment that you first laid

Eyes on me all alone

On the edge of twenty-ten

-Stevie Nicks-ish

I am two weeks away from my twenty-tenth birthday and I’m growing up too fast! I’m getting on top of my finances. I’m asking myself what the next step on my journey is. My worst nightmare is coming true: I’m developing an affinity for babies. I hope this last one is fleeting. I’m still very much a late adolescent at heart; I’m an unopened flower that’s sprouting roots in the most stagnant water imaginable while the rest of humanity is spiraling out of control.

There has been a curious absence of police presence in Skagsville lately. I blame the G20 Summit. It's a $1B scapegoat. On my ride home on Monday night police cruisers lined a substantial stretch of Little Italy. The charming and disarming Agnes Dei encountered an elevated presence outside her downtown high rise. The popo are everywhere to serve and protect … but who, I wonder? I’m still on the fence as to whether I’m going to submit myself to the sound canons in the name of democracy. Ryyyyyy and I discussed attending the protest but from a safe distance. We’re both pretty small people and could be easily crushed by hordes of militant radicals upon their flight from brutality.

Adding to the doom and gloom, the ground shook under my feet today as I was sitting in my classroom decompressing after an arduous test day. Probably just some lead-footed bull in a china shop who’s running late to class, I thought to myself. The tremors didn’t stop. Oh, that’s most likely the subway rumbling through, I rationalized. But in the nearly three years I’ve worked in the building, I’ve never felt the vibrations of the subway. What is this? I wondered. Giant serpentine creatures coming to consume us? Where’s Fred Ward when you need him to save the day?

I love iPhone because iPhone informs me of everything I ever need to know. Within mere minutes my Facebook friends confirmed that there had been an earthquake and that it had been felt as far as Montreal. Great Scott! My ride home tonight was a windy gal on all the east/west thoroughfares and I feel as though trouble’s a-brewin’ here, there and everywhere. And to top it off, there’s a full moon this weekend and all three of you who visit this site know how exhaustively I speak about full moons.

I’ma sceared. The universe is speaking and we’re not listening. When do we get to return to simpler times when the end of June marked the beginning of my birthday fortnight of fun and not the end of the world? This weekend I’m manifesting safety and caution and I’ll postpone reveling in bacchanalia until the madness ebbs. In these desperate times, I feel that’s the greatest gift of all.

Addendum: If anyone would like to give me a gift in honour of my milestone birthday, I am accepting magnets, button pins, questionable kitsch, Grey Goose and Johnnie Walker Blue.